Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support is a district-wide initiative. It has been adopted by all campuses as a framework for creating structured, safe, learning environments where appropriate student behaviors are taught and reinforced. Adopted for our BISD school community are these five behavior expectations, which apply to all students and staff:

Campus PBIS teams have identified 3-5 school-wide expectations specific to their campuses, as well. These and common area expectations are posted throughout their buildings. Common area expectations align with the established school-wide expectations and clearly describe appropriate behavior for specific areas such as cafeterias, hallways, restrooms, and transportation pick-up areas. Rules and procedures that align with the school-wide expectations are also defined, taught to students, and posted in each classroom. Finally, various methods of recognition and rewards are utilized on each campus that are designed to maintain student interests and are linked to school-wide expectations.
At times, correction and consequences for misbehavior are necessary. An array of appropriate responses that align to the Student Code of Conduct are utilized. When these measures are taken, misbehavior is recorded on an Office Discipline Referral form, along with the actions taken by the school staff. This process is established to support consistent and fair application of disciplinary measures.
As part of the PBIS framework, a multi-tiered continuum of tiered interventions with increasing levels of intensity and duration is used to help all students be behaviorally successful. Below is a model that demonstrates the tiered levels of behavior support a student might receive in Brazosport schools.

In August 2022, six campuses were identified by our district as PBIS Model Schools. The Brazosport Independent School District campuses identified as PBIS Model Schools are:
A. P. Beutel Elementary
Bess Brannen Elementary
Elisabet Ney Pre-Kindergarten
Freeport Elementary
Gladys Polk Elementary
Madge Griffith Elementary |
These campuses have been identified as setting the standard when it comes to achieving high levels of success in support and management of student behavior. 80% of students at PBIS Model Schools have one or less office discipline referral, and the campuses implement Tiered behavioral interventions and support with high levels of fidelity. Implementation requirements include:
- Ensuring students and staff know behavior expectations,
- Recognizing positive behavior and addressing negative behavior,
- Using discipline data to make behavioral support and management decisions, and
- Participating in district-level PBIS networking activities to learn and share best behavior management practices.
Each of these campuses set the standard in behavior support and management and serve as a model of best practices.